A Life Less Ordinary
J.W. Pierce didn’t achieve peace in the Middle East, discover a cure for cancer or invent a better light bulb.
This is simply the true life story of one man’s life, a man who as a child was befuddled by all the confusing, contradictory advice being metered out by the adults surrounding him concerning what path to choose: A trade or a profession? A military or civilian life? Artist and musician or teacher? So he chose them all.
An independent man in a dependent world.

Spicer’s Circus
This the true story of a man, fluent in French, German and English Lt. Geoffrey Spicer-Simson, relegated to desk duty as punishment, for crashing his ship, and who is chosen to lead a critical mission which prompted one historian to comment;
“No single achievement during World War I was distinguished by more bizarre features than the successfully executed undertaking of 28 daring men who transported a ready-made navy 10,000 miles through the wilds of Africa to destroy an enemy flotilla on Lake Tanganyika.”
– Unknown contemporary writerc.1919
Operation Underworld
A novel revealing the startling underground partnership that changed the course of history.
February, 1942: T. L. S. Normandie, the world’s most famous luxury liner of the time, has just been set alight and burned to the water-line in New York Harbor initiating wide spread panic in fear of German saboteurs.

The Wolves Of Calabria
The sequel to Operation Underworld
is set at the end of World War II and chronicles the establishment of what would become the international drug cartel and the gradual infiltration of DC politics by the Mafia.
In a world where everyone is guilty the only crime – is getting caught.
The Broad In The Kimono
The last book in the Operation Underworld trilogy, The Broad in the Kimono, is set in 1947 and relates a remarkable episode of Deja Vu showing that today’s political turmoil is a mere repeat of what has gone before.
The story traces the establishment of the Vegas Strip, the Mafia’s early involvement in Hollywood and organized crime’s infiltration into DC political scene.
Crime and politics – two sides of the same coin.

Kelly’s Full House
They say everything comes in threes. Here’s three rib tickling tales featuring characters in three very different time periods and situations.
Kelly’s Full House is a great short story collection that will lift your spirits and help you get through your day by dealing with some of the most taboo subjects – The Press, death and politics.
The American Way
Lawrence, Massachusetts, 12 noon January 12th. In the midst of the no-holds-barred Labour Wars of 1912-13 evolves the most violent period in American labour history.
With the ambience and intensity of Reds and the spirit of Cabaret the story of the largest industrial action of its time, the Lawrence Mill Strike, chronicles the drama of people swept up in events larger than themselves however, not beyond their control as they refuse to capitulate to the most powerful men on the face of the planet.

The Galileo Project
In 1999 several billion internationally are invested in counter measures to combat the much anticipated, widely dreaded world-wide Y2K computer virus.
When the virus doesn’t materialize and the armoured vans are recalled the next day all but one of them returns. Along with the two guards assigned to babysit the £600,000,000, van No. 1989 has vanished
The Hermes Project
An FBI pre-dawn stakeout in the Central Park Zoo yields results and an industrial spy working for Beijing is captured. The plans he carries contain the decryption code of a new U.S. satellite system which will enable the Americans to reduce transmission latency by 75% thereby increasing the country’s economy by billions per annum.
But when FBI agent Irina Kuksova discovers who the Chinese spy in the park was, she gets herself suspended & turns to Frank Mahone for help.
“No science is immune to the infection of politics and the corruption of power..” – Jacob Bronowski

American Rhetoric
Little could Thaddeus Enoch Pervers know that after filing the wrong paper work with his local DMV, he would wind up a politician. This comical spoof on American politics is set in the near future. Perhaps it is more near than we think?
POLITICS: From the Greek word poli meaning ‘many’, and the word tics, a blood-sucking leech which lives off others.
Politically Erect
It’s 1971 and recent university freshman Billy Chance is planning a career to become a doctor. There’s just one small problem … a problem about 10,000 miles away in Vietnam.
It’s the time of the military draft and his plans are put on hold when he winds up in the military. Young Chance is about to get a medical education, but not the kind he was hoping for.
The story is based on true experiences.

When Two Tribes Go to War
When Two Tribes Go to War is set one year after the events of Children of the Nuclear Gods and follows Lieutenant Dave Harden as he tracks and faces off against a new sinister terrorist group evolving in the Mideast. They call themselves, “ The Army of God” In their native language they are known as “ Hezbollah”.
With millions in U.N. humanitarian aid being funnelled into terrorist organizations by an unknown operative, the CIA expecting another major terrorist attack and the only agency asset in Beirut having been kidnapped and presumed dead, no first-hand intelligence is available.
127 Alden Road
It is 2015 in Plymouth Rock New England 4th July approaches and a valuable document dating back to George Washington’s time is found behind a filing cabinet. The document causes everyone in the town to fight and argue over the meaning of the document. Once decoded by a prominent historian a cover up ensues. This farce is a comedy take on stringent New England traditions.

Dr Lindsay’s Christmas
On Christmas Eve 81 year old paediatrician Dr John Lindsay, a devout catholic, witnesses a horrible accident shaking his faith in God. Cursing God he brings the wrath of the almighty upon himself. Shortly after meeting a stranger in a pub his life takes an unpredictable turn.
A short holiday tale for your amusement.